Victims were three young women

Man suspected of stabbing incidents on Balijelaan arrested

politieman met handboeien

The police managed to track down the man thanks to a tip given to a local police officer. The suspect was arrested around a quarter past one last night.

He is suspected of being involved in the three stabbing incidents that took place last week. The first incident took place on the evening of September 27. A 23-year-old woman was pulled from her bicycle and stabbed. On the night of Saturday, September 30, a 23-year-old woman was stabbed while parking her bicycle at the intersection on Croeselaan. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, a 20-year-old woman was attacked with a sharp object while sitting on the back of a friend's bike. All incidents took place around Balijebrug.

At first, the police weren't sure if the three attacks were committed by the same person as the victims' descriptions of the perpetrator differed.

Students living near Balijelaan are shocked and frightened. Two students told RTV Utrecht that they were very worried and would rather not go out at night. The municipal council called for additional safety measures. The police searched the area with sniffer dogs, among other things.

Tags: steekpartij
