News and in Depth

In depth

Or at least a more generous travel allowance

Wanted: free public transport card for all UU employees


More women than men

Record number of women awarded PhDs by universities


Amidst nationwide debate about how to punish students

USC headquarters to close for two weeks

In depth

Cuco helps scientists get out of their own bubble

Interdisciplinary research is difficult to realise, but sorely needed


University must also take measures

Parents of slut list victims announce legal action


Famous primatologist died last week

Professor and honorary doctor Frans de Waal passes away


USC suspends perpetrators

UVSV students victims of “slut list” on social media


Redistribution of board grants

Nearly a quarter of student organisations likely to get less money

In depth

Importance of secure data management system demonstrated again

A wake-up call: the lost (or almost lost) research data stored in Yoda


He's joined a research team that studied rocket missions

UU student Daan is Captain Jack Sparrow in Sweden