News and in Depth


Institutions sign Barcelona Declaration

‘Metadata about research must be open and transparent’


Lawyers urge the Public Prosecution Service to take action against platform

'Slut list' now shared on Telegram


If the law on quality funding is not dealt with quickly

Higher education and students in debt risk missing out on millions


'Delta is an independent news outlet'

TU Delft apologises for muzzling press


New coffee machines will offer more flavours of coffee and tea

Coffee from the machine will soon only cost 60 cents

In depth

Put your prejudices about American movies aside because...

Cheerleading is a sport

In depth

Former Incluusion trainee wins Rosanna scholarship

Kübra went from diplomat to refugee to Master’s student at UU


‘Let's also look at the needs of society and the labour market’

Council of State positive about internationalisation bill